The log salvage activity on Mt. Tzouhalem is drawing to and end!
The crews have done a great job of cleaning up most of the affected trails and the roads. Users can now access the trails within the closed areas including Double D, Fluid, and Y B a Roadie.
PLEASE NOTE: there may be some trails that still have debris on them including M-1. Also, the trail beds may have been disrupted by machinery. Ride with caution and expect the unexpected!
Throughout next week, there will be machinery on the mountain removing the last of the salvaged logs. There will be activity near the old Toxic Tea Cup and the unsanctioned jump line east of Resurrection.
The CTSS will have a trail day soon to buff out sections and clear debris on sanctioned trails. Please watch for this and come on out!
A big thanks to the Municipality of North Cowichan and their contractors for keeping the CTSS in the loop and for the clean up! Ride and hike on!