Please be mindful that the Brown Drive Park bike trail section is for non motorized vehicles (ie mountain bikes). We estimate over 150+ human hours went into this project in the past couple of days. Unfortunately these trails will not hold up to motorized vehicles and we would hate to see all this hard work go to waste. As for hikers and dog walkers, please be aware that youth come down the trails at a decent click. We also ask that people not walk on the jumps and berms. 

Saying that, the trails need to be ridden NOW. Please respect that one of the berms in the ‘Pump Track’ area needs to dry out and is off limits at the moment. Otherwise the trails need some bike traffic

Thanks to all the youth and parents that volunteered today. Amazing to be part of a great community! 

Huge shout out to the local service clubs (The Lions Club, The Rotary and The Kinsmen) for providing food and drink for the volunteers today!
Last thanks to the
Ladysmith Parks, Recreation & Culture
workers (Bob, Shane, Kevin, Chris, Sue) and
Ace Hayden
for all your hard work and help. You’re contributions were GREATLY appreciated.